mini course:

post-traumatic stress disorder / posttraumatisches Belastungsstörung

We are used to functioning. And yet there are situations and phases when hurdles block our full potential. We know about the power of thoughts – they can give us strength, but they can also be walls. Your life is not worth living behind walls.

Become active – take a look!

your bonus:

It’s true – bad things happen in life. But there is a path that determines your life. There we are

  • self-determined,

  • courageous,

  • joyful,

  • purposeful

  • and many more.

You may have strayed from it. Then let’s find our way back.

Es stimmt – es geschehen schlimme Dinge in einem Leben. Aber es gibt einen Pfad, der dein Leben bestimmt. Dort sind wir

  • selbstbestimmt,
  • mutig,
  • fröhlich,
  • zielstrebig
  • und vieles mehr.

Du bist vielleicht davon abgekommen. Dann lass uns zurückfinden.

your mini course:

6x group appointments

open conversation and lectures

via ZOOM meeting platform, duration: up to 1 hour

2x single appointments

open conversation in 1to1

via ZOOM meeting platform, duration: up to 1 hour

start date: coming soon

lectures: 19.00 – 20.00 (Mon, Wed, Fri)

duration: 2 weeks (group appointments) + 2 weeks (single appointments)

investment: 280,00€

schedule overview

The group appointments are dated on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

We finish the first week together – than we are prepared to organize the single appointments.